Pilot study of anxiolytic drug Lodixem in patients with acute decompensed heart failure

Cardiologist, Cardiovascular surgeon, Endocrinologist, Expert in narcology, Gastroenterologist, General practitioner, Infectious disease, Neurologist

Anxiety disorders often accompany the course of cardiovascular disease and become more pronounced as they progress. Anxiety is also a frequent companion of patients with heart failure (HF). In a recent meta-analysis of 38 studies by K. Easton et al. (2015) estimated that 32% of patients with HF experience an increased level of anxiety, and 13% of patients meet the criteria for anxiety disorder. In the later stages of heart failure, the prevalence of anxiety increases. Anxiety disorder is diagnosed in approximately 20% of patients with decompensated HF who require implantation of auxiliary devices to maintain left ventricular function [5, 6].

Keywords: anxiety disorders, heart failure, emoxipin.


L.G. Voronkov, MD, Professor, L.P. Paraschenyuk, G.Ye. Dudnyk, SI “NSC” Institute of Cardiology. Academician MD Strazheska “National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv


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