State of metabolic processes and ways to improve them in premenopausal women due to the Life Extension Strategy

General practitioner, Obstetrician-gynecologist

Increasing the duration and improving the quality of life of older age groups is a significant problem of modern medicine. Metabolic disorders in the form of diabetes mellitus type II and atherogenic dyslipidemia lead to a significant level of cardiovascular complications. It is known that the appointment of hormone replacement therapy is not able to normalize age-related metabolic disorders. Therefore, the search for new methods of cardiovascular health is extremely important. The aim of the study was to study the state of autonomic nervous regulation, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in women of perimenopausal age in the process of Xylate-tivortin complex application.

A total of 71 patients (main, group II) were examined, to whom a solution of xylitol with electrolytes (Xylate, Yuri-Pharm) was administered by infusion from the first days of the reduction diet for 5 days. Administration of L-arginine (Tivortin, Yuri-Pharm) was carried out intravenously in 200 ml once a day for a week, and then continued to take the drinking solution for another 3 weeks. All included in the study patients followed a 28-day diet, and also performed a daily set of morning exercises for 3 months. The data obtained in the study were compared with 35 almost healthy women of reproductive age, who were in the I (control) group.

A significant decrease in body mass index in patients of the main group due to the application of the proposed treatment and prevention program was found. At the same time, the Cooperman index declined significantly. Decreased body mass index in patients of the main group was the basis for improved autonomic nervous regulation and metabolic processes. It is the use of Xylate-tivortin complex that has allowed to emphasize the overcoming of insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and chronic inflammation.

The developed 3-month program allowed to significantly of metabolic processes and hemodynamic parameters in transitional aged women. This is the basis for the introduction of Xylate-tivortin complex Life extension in the practice of family physicians, obstetricians and gynecologists and specialists in the field of aesthetic medicine.

Key words: menopause, Xylate-tivortin complex, anti-aging, Life extension.


Lakhno I.V., Kharkiv V. N. Karazin National University


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