Antiseptic solution for the prevention and treatment of injuries and inflammatory processes of the skin

Objective. To investigate allergic and irritant symptoms, as well as the presence of pain when using decamethoxin exposed to the wound and skin.
Materials and methods. There were 75 children under examination. 23 (30, 66%) of them had superficial skin lesions, 52 (69.34%) had purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
Results. The patients were divided into two groups. Group I included 23 (30.66%) patients with superficial (infected) skin lesions – outpatients. Group II included 52 (69.34%) patients treated in hospital. The wound process in all patients was characterized by the absence of edema or redness, there was also no allergic reaction to the components of the solution.
Studies using the Wong-Baker pain intensity scale and ten point scale found that 63 (90.0%) older patients did not have complaints when washing the wound. 5 (7.14%) patients under 5 years old and 2 patients (2.86%) of 8 years old noted a feeling of fear during the procedure.
Conclusions. The studies made have not established side effects from both the wound, the wound channel and the surrounding skin, there was also no general allergy to decamethoxin. The use of the solution was painless at all stages of the treatment.
Key words: superficial skin damage, pain intensity scale, purulent-inflammatory disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, decamethoxin solution.
Rybalchenko V. F.1,2, Talko M. O.3, Boris R. M.2, Kravchenko V. V.3, Lyshevska I. V.3, Naumenko N. V.3
1 P. L. Shupyk National University of Health Сare of Ukraine
2 “ChVUZ” Kiev Medical University
3 KNP “Kiev City Children’s Clinical Hospital No. 1”
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