Rational approaches to perioperative multimodal analgesia in orthopedic and trauma patients

Combustiology, Neurologist, Obstetrician-gynecologist, Orthopaedic Trauma, Surgeon, The anesthesiologist and specialist on medical emergency conditions

National Medical University named after O.O.Bogomolets


Analgesic therapy in patients with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system is a complex, multicomponent problem that requires an individual approach to the specific pathogenetic mechanisms of pain and observation of the signs of efficacy, safety and adequacy of treatment. Undertreated acute pain has been shown to lead to chronization with the formation of an abnormal pain focus in the central nervous system (CNS). Post-traumatic pain syndrome is acute, nociceptive (somatogenic) and polymodal and includes somatic, visceral and neural components. This requires the use of the specified multimodal pharmacotherapy of the above pain syndrome to inhibit the afferent flow of pain impulsation at different levels of distribution.

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The epidemiological situation at the end of the second millennium is characterized by a shift of etiological structure of infectious diseases towards those caused by opportunistic potentially pathogenic microorganisms.