Innovative phosphodiesterase inhibitor in the treatment of bronchial obstructive disease exacerbations

General practitioner, Pulmonologist

On March, 15-16 the traditional spring therapeutic readings took place in Vinnytsia. This year the program of the conference had a clear structure of the sections by a certain topic. Within the frames of the event clinicians paid much attention to the diagnosis and treatment of severe respiratory tract pathology.

ЗайковIt is obvious that the category of patients with exacerbation of bronchial asthma (BA) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most difficult categories of patients with pulmonary disorders. Annually the updated recommendations for management of patients with BA and COPD – GINA and GOLD respectively – outline the main issues of basic treatment of patients with different forms and stages of these diseases. But, in spite of some success achieved during the recent years, emergence of new medicines and basic treatment systematization, it is impossible for now to avoid exacerbation periods in BA and COPD: therapeutic and pulmonary departments are always overfilled by patients with broncho-obstructive diseases in acute stage. This fact explains high attention of medical society to the possibilities of BA and COPD treatment optimization at hospital stage. This is the very topic that the holder of Habilitation degree in Medicine, Professor of Tuberculosis and Pulmonology Department of National Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education named after P. L. Shupik (Kyiv) Serhii Viktorovych Zaykov paid attention to in his research.

4 August, 2017