Safety and effectiveness of Rheosorbilact detoxification therapy in stage 1–3 CKD

The problem of detoxification therapy, in particular for kidney disease, is an important component of modern treatment. Renal dysfunction significantly complicates detoxification measures for at least two reasons. The first is to reduce the clearance of toxic substances, increase their content and redistribution in body tissues while reducing the glomerular filtration rate. The second reason is a change in the pharmacodynamics of detoxification drugs due to decreased renal function. Rheosorbilact is a hyperosmolar crystalloid electrolyte solution for infusion, which has detoxifying, rheological and alkalizing action with stimulation of intestinal motility.
The drug is used to correct metabolic acidosis without causing sharp fluctuations in pH, due to the sodium lac tate content, the effect of which manifested itself in 20–30 minutes after administration. Another important component of the drug is sorbitol, which in the form of an isotonic solution has a disaggregating effect, improving microcirculation and tissue perfusion. Sodium chloride in the drug replenishes the deficiency of sodium and chlorine ions, performing a rehydrating effect and increasing the volume of circulating blood, increasing diuresis, and calcium chloride replenishes the deficiency of calcium ions, reducing the permeability of the vascular wall and thus preventing the development of inflammatory reactions.
The article presents a detailed analysis of the use of Rheosorbilact with an emphasis on kidney disease and their function. Rheosorbilact can be used effectively and safely at a dose of 200 ml at a body weight of less than 60 kg and up to 400 ml at a body weight of more than 60 kg twice a day at an estimated glomerular filtration rate of more than 45 ml/min/m2 and no decompensated heart failure and stage III hypertension.
Keywords: Rheosorbilact; chronic kidney disease; detoxification; detoxification safety
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