Healthy nephrone — a guaranty of stable blood pressure

General practitioner

Chronic kidney disease is one of the most common diseases in the world. Along with damage to the kidneys, the disease carries great risks for the cardiovascular, endocrine and other systems of the body. The review presents the latest views and research data on this problem, as well as modern therapeutic solutions for the comprehensive treatment of the disease and pathogenetically justified correction of volume dynamics. The approach considered in the article goes beyond the traditional renoprotection, which involves the prescription of inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Restoration of normal blood flow in the kidneys is possible by optimizing hydration, rheological and hydrodynamic properties of substances administered intravenously.

The author presents evidence for arginine, pentoxifylline and Rheosorbilact, which in a combined use improve the hemodynamic and metabolic parameters of renal blood flow, laying the foundation for the restoration and preservation of renal function. At the same time, the detoxifying properties of these substances help the kidneys to perform the function of cleansing the body. Thus, an integrated approach becomes a pathogenetic rationale for people with chronic kidney disease.

Keywords: chronic kidney disease, acute kidney injury, hypertension, nephroprotection, infusion therapy, Rheosorbilact, Tivortin, Latren.


D.D. Ivanov, Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


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10 September, 2021


D.D. Ivanov