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Small-volume resuscitation from traumatic shock with Gecoton

The major task faced by intensive therapy of traumatic shock is to restore the deficit in circulating blood volume (CBV) by means of infusion therapy characterized by adequate composition, volume and rate of infusion.

Perioperative fluid therapy

Patients admitted for treatment in a surgical hospital rather often have water and electrolyte imbalance (WEB).

Hypovolemia treatment in surgical patients using combined solution Gecoton® in infusion therapy

The infusion-transfusion therapy with crystalloid and colloid solutions is commonly used in the emergency medicine.

Evaluation of Gecoton efficacy in patients with intraoperative blood loss

Replacement of the blood loss still remains to be an immediate problem, despite a great many of infusion solutions available to anesthesiologist – from crystalloid to different-class colloid ones.

Specific features of diagnosis of hemostatic disorders and optimization of infusion therapy in severe course of destructive pancreatitis

In acute pancreatitis morbidity patterns, there is seen a growth in the number of its destructive forms, where the lethality, according to different authors, varies from 8 to 70% due to the development of severe endogenic intoxication and formation of multi-organ failure.
Orthopaedic Trauma

Current approaches to diagnosis, course and treatment of acute necrotizing pancreatitis

Despite numerous investigations into the pathogenesis and a large-scale clinical implementation of pathogenically substantiated conservative therapy regimens and up-to-date high-technology methods of surgical invasion, no principal improvement of the treatment results are seen to date .

Topical aspects of infusion therapy

Infusion therapy (IT) has been and remains one of the main instruments of influence on homeostasis in critical conditions of different nature.

Clinical-biochemical rationale of use of Mannitol and Sorbilact in severe craniocerebral injury

Severe craniocerebral injury is accompanied by focal and cerebral symptoms associated with the damage to certain sections of the brain, its perifocal edema, endoge-nous intoxication (1,8).

Effects, potential and advantages of Sorbilact – a combination preparation for infusion

Infusion therapy is a field of medicine devoted to management of body functions by means of targeted impact on morphological composition and physiological properties of body tissues via administration of organic and inorganic transfusion drug products.

Prognostication of outcomes and peculiarities of neuroprotective therapy in patients who suffered critical state and reanimation

Topicality of the problem of integral approach to intensive therapy in patients who suffered critical states in the post-reanimation period is due to the socio-economic importance and is associated with high lethality, disability and mass character of such a pathology.

Role of Sorbiolact in early post-operative period in coloproctological patients

The article presents a study of the impact of Sorbilact, solution for infusion, on peristalsis in the early postoperative period in coloproctological patients (24 persons) after abdominal surgical interventions.

Specifics of correctional metabolic therapy in patients with acute myocardial infarction and diabetes mellitus

Group of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and diabetes mellitus (DM) comprises one of the patient categories in modern cardiology, who have poor prognosis, despite considerable achievements of thrombolytic therapy.

Infusion GIK solutions

July 10, 1881 Landerer suc-cessfully performed injection of “sodium chloride physiological solution” to patient and ensured perpetuation for this infusion me-dium.

Longocain solution for infiltration anesthesia in morbid obesity surgery

The objective of the paper is to study the efficacy of the infiltrative anesthesia combined with general anesthesia in patients with morbid obesity.