A COVID-19 Prevention Committee: Protective Measures and Rehabilitation

Preventive measures to control disease among employees and post-COVID rehabilitation.
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, a COVID-19 Prevention Committee was set up at YURiA-PHARM to promptly develop rules and algorithms and to keep staff informed in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection.
The committee keeps records on the ARVI and COVID-19 morbidity rate, analysing morbidity among employees and swiftly implementing changes.
Sanitary and hygiene boxes equipped with automatic dispensers, thermal imaging cameras and non-contact thermometers were put into operation.
Intensification of the disinfection regime: daily disinfection of surrounding areas, production buildings outside and inside, surfaces, employee traffic areas, warehouses, entrance checkpoints, and the administrative building.
We provided preventive kits, containing Ulaizer, aminocaproic acid, Decasan, Horosten, and personal protective equipment (masks and respirators) to every staff member.
COVID-19 patients are constantly monitored: drugs were provided for 262 exposed employees.
There are rehabilitation centers where everyone can benefit from rehabilitation programmes.
In spring 2021, all the employees were IFA tested for anti-COVID-19 antibodies. Every employee has the option of testing for the COVID-19 antigen if necessary.
We arranged employee vaccinations: 2,491 employees have been vaccinated.
YURiA-PHARM has always acted in alignment with its mission – to save lives all over the world.