Charitable Cycling Marathon “Cherkassy-Kyiv” in honor of the 27th Foundation Anniversary of Yuria-Pharm

July 5-7 – the employees of the Production Division of Yuria-Pharm initiated and ran an incredible event – charitable corporate cycling marathon of Yuria-Pharm, intended to propagate healthy life style among the employees and to provide necessary humanitarian assistance to district medical authorities.
Route of our colleagues started in Cherkassy, then the employees visited 5 district centers in Cherkasska and Kyivska oblasts and finished in Kyiv on July 7th.
During the charitable marathon our cyclists submitted medicines and medical products of Yuria-Pharm to Moshnivska Village Hospital, Korsun-Shevchenkivska, Myronivska, Kaharlytska and Obukhivska Central District Hospitals.
Oleksander Matvienko, Head of Technical Department, initiator of the event:
“I am grateful to the Company Management for providing financial support to cycling marathon and allowance of our working time. The Company always supports initiatives of physical culture and recreational character. Thus, it promotes improvement of the health conditions of the Ukrainians not only with medicines but also with preventive work”.
Ihor Naida, HR–Director:
“Yuria-Pharm is a socially responsible company. The current event will follow the huge range of socio-humanitarian events being annually organized by the Company. In particular, thousands millions of Ukrainian hryvnias are donated to aid ATO soldiers and their children. As a doctor, I must say with assurance that the medicines which we provide to the district hospitals are very important for the patients. These are mainly infusion drugs and medicines for inhalation therapy”.
We are very grateful for initiative, courage and corporate spirit for all the marathon participants:
Oleksander Matvienko
Yurii Chernysh
Ihor Volynets
Yurii Baranov
Nataliia Baranova
Nataliia Kryvorotova
Oleksander Havrysh
Anton Tseluiko
Viacheslav Haleev
Pavlo Korniiuk
We cultivate kindness together!