IV Ukraine-wide Infusion Therapy Olympiad

It is already fourth time when Yuria-Pharm Corporation, Bogomolets National Medical University, and Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Postgraduate Education have organized Ukraine-wide Infusion Therapy Olympiad.
It is recognized that infusion therapy is an important tool in the practice of a doctor of any specialization. Protocols of treatment are constantly being improved. New balanced solutions arrive in the arsenal of the doctor, demanding constant updating of knowledge and also skills of their application in order to avoid unqualified medical care. A simple mistake could cost someone’s life or health. Therefore, the goal of the event is the search and support of talented youth, the promotion of rational use of infusion therapy, as well as the development of future highly qualified, competent, and responsible doctors.
The fourth Olympiad took place in the period from November 29 till December 11, 2017 in several steps. The first step, in which 537 participants from 28 higher educational institutions of Ukraine took part, was held online. Subject to the results of the step 157 winners moved to the second classroom-based step which was organized in five Ukrainian cities at once: in Kharkiv, Lviv, Odesa, Vinnytsia, and Kyiv in the premises of local higher educational institutions. Testing was accompanied with discipline-related round tables with participation of professors and scientists who helped students, interns, and listeners to get more involved into the topic of currently popular infusion therapy.
During the second step, master classes on peripheral vein cavernization, where such new developments of the Yuria-Pharm Corporation as implanted system for prolonged infusions of U-PORT and VENOPORT PLUS were used, were held.
25 best and brightest students and interns reached the final. They were competing for three medal places on December 11, 2017 in Bogomolets National Medical University. The first part of the final competition was supposed to solve 30 difficult tasks of test control — on its basis, there were selected five candidates for the victory. They competed in the practical part of the Olympiad, during which the following simulation technologies were used: static simulation tools for determining the ability to puncture the peripheral and central (internal jugular) vein, a standardized patient with modelling of emergency conditions encountered in the practice of an anaesthesiologist or medical practitioners of emergency medicine. At the same time, scenarios were simulated using a mannequin and there was obtained a different kind of feedback with the “patient” where participants used modern diagnostic and therapeutic equipment.
An important component of the assessment of practical knowledge and skills was the implementation of various methods of clinical investigation of the patient and their interpretation with subsequent treatment on the mannequins. This practical part of the exam reminded OSCE, i. e. an objective structured clinical examination. Today, this kind of assessment of knowledge is used in the UK, the USA, and Canada.
Oleksandra Zelenchuk, the intern from Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, took honestly the first place, the second one was awarded to Mariia Kozlovska, the intern from Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, and the third place was granted to Andrii Prosheltsov from Luhansk State Medical University. It is pleasant to note that more than 50 percent of participants participated in the All-Ukrainian Infusion Therapy Olympiad more than once, thus indicating the relevance of this topic and the attempts of future young doctors to thoroughly master the basics of infusion therapy.