Production of safe syringe needles to be started in Cherkassy first time in Ukraine

Yuria-Pharm Corporation, the national pharmaceutical corporation, will produce unique and safe Ukrainian needles which will solve one the most challenging issues in the medical sphere.
According to Olena Pavlenko, Production Engineer in the Laboratory for Design and Development of Medical Products at Yuria-Pharm Corporation, until today only foreign-produced needles have been used in Ukraine. However, in the coming months Ukrainian pharmacies will be able to sell not only Chinese but also Ukrainian-made syringes with domestically produced needles to be produced in Cherkassy. Ukrainian-made needle is of better quality than those being sold in the pharmacies – it is made exclusively out of certified materials: high-quality austenitic stainless surgical steel which has triangular atraumatic laser grinding, thus reducing skin puncturing. Thanks to coating of metal parts of the needles with silicon layer, during injection the tissues are not severed, thus reducing pain sense.
Talking about the safe needles, they have generally unique structure which after Cherkassy will become available for the whole Ukraine: secure cap is attached to the needle which protects against stabs with used needle. It can be easily fixed, simply with one hand on the needle immediately after injection avoiding the risk of injury. That particular problem – the risk of being infected with the used needle – is one of the largest problems in the medical sphere.
According to Oleksandr Kuprienko, anaesthetist at the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Treatment of CDH, Cherkassy, this is specifically critical for emergency cases, when the patient needs urgent help, including homeless and drug-addicted people, those suffering from hepatitis and HIV positive people. Consequently, when providing the patient with emergency help, the nurse attaching a needle cap in a hurry got injured by chance, it may cost her life.
According to Iryna Sharamko, Head of Medicine Production Area, and Olena Pavlenko, Production Engineer in the Laboratory for Design and Development of Medical Products, at the moment syringes and safe needles are subject to certification and prepared for the launch at the market, including the foreign ones.
The next step of Yuria-Pharm Corporation will be the issue (also in Cherkassy) of needles for syringes (specially marked with different colors – for simple visual identification of their size), as well as special delicate needles for oral medicine and cosmetology which are not also produced in Ukraine currently.