Yuria-Pharm Has Confirmed the Status of the Socially Responsible Company

At present, social responsibility principles are important reference points for many companies, as they enable achieving international standards of business and relations with the government and society gradually, step by step.
Yuria-Pharm Corporation is one of the leaders in introduction of business principles based on the social corporate responsibility, as it understands that involvement of companies into this process is beneficial for all of its parties, i.e. the state, employees, consumers, and population of the country in general. That is why we have confirmed our status of the socially responsible company and have been awarded the respective Social Responsibility Mark.
The Social Responsibility Mark (SRM) is registered in compliance with all provisions of the Ukrainian and international law and can be granted to the people and companies working for charitable causes.
The Regional SRM is awarded for:
а) Making life-related changes (technical discoveries, elimination of a problem, finding of ways to overcome a major disease, etc.) which have had impact on 1 % or more of the residents of the country where its receiver resides;
b) Aggregate charity donations in the amount of USD 10,000 (at the exchange rate of the National Bank of Ukraine as of the moment of donation) or more in a year;
с) Establishment of the efficient charity process in the country of residence;
d) Discoveries and other actions which have saved human lives.
So join our team because, as Henry Ford said, “The highest use of capital is not to make more money, but to make money do more for the betterment of life!”