Pathophysiological rationale and prospects for using xylitol in the nutritional support of cancer patients


Abstract. The literature review considers the prospects of using five-carbon alcohol xylitol as a sugar substitute, which is an alternative to excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates.
It was found that xylitol use leads to an increase in glucose tolerance, stabilizes the metabolic situation in patients with unstable course of diabetes mellitus. It has antiketogenic properties and provides a slow but steady energy production.
The use of xylitol in parenteral nutrition promotes an increase in the content of adenosine triphosphate and other adenine nucleotides in the liver, stimulates the protein-forming and biliary excretory function of the liver, reduces the amount of free fatty acids in the blood and the production of ketone bodies.
The ability of Хylat to inhibit Warburg effect opens up new opportunities for potential improvement in the treatment results of patients with malignant tumors.
Keywords: sugar alcohols; xylitol; Warburg effect; Хylat

24 April, 2020

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