
Antibacterial preparation of the group of fluoroquinolones III generation.

Active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, anaerobes (including bluelegnoy bacillus), B-lactamase-producing microorganisms.

It is indicated for the treatment of infections of any location.

The double mechanism of action causes the slow development of resistance of microorganisms to the drug.

The drug does not inhibit the production of interferon in the body.

The use of the drug in therapeutic doses for 10 days does not lead to the development of candidiasis.

The absence of endotoxicosis in the treatment of sepsis is due to the unique mechanism of action of the drug.

As of 2001, 1,500,000 patients were treated with levofloxacin. These is no case of life-threatening reactions and side effects recorded.

How supplied
100 ml
150 ml
Sales markets

Vietnam, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Ukraine.