Revul® hemostatic dressing
REVUL® – hemostatic dressing is a highly effective blood stopper made from natural substance chitosan, intended for arrest of different types of bleeding.
Hemostatic effect is regardless of blood coagulation processes in the body and caused by binding of positively charged elements of material with negatively charged erythrocytes. When contacting with blood, hemostatic dressing REVUL® enhances the absorption of blood liquid fraction and forms a single gel-tremellose mass, thus facilitating the hemostasis.
Arrest of external bleeding of different intensity, including those at damage of large venous and arterial vessels, mainly, at pre-clinical stage.
How supplied
Vacuum sterile packaging with the Zigzag folded material size of 11,2 см × 1,83 м.
Sales markets
of medical device
Hemostatic dressing material REVUL®
Hemostatic dressing material REVUL® is a highly effective hemostatic agent made of natural chitosan designed to stop various types of bleeding. REVUL® works independently of the blood clotting processes in the body. Haemostatic effect is associated with binding of positively charged elements of the medical device with negatively charged red blood cells. When contacted with blood, REVUL® facilitates absorption of the blood liquids and forms a single gel/jelly-like mass, which helps to stop bleeding.
Contents of packaging
Zigzag folded chitosan bandage.
Dimensions: 11.2 cm × 1.83 m.
Composition: chitosan (non-woven natural material).
It is intended to stop external bleeding of varying intensity, including when large venous and arterial vessels are damaged, mostly at the pre-hospital stage.
Hypersensitivity to chitosan.
Method of administration
- Check the shelf-life and packaging integrity of the medical device.
- Open the REVUL®
- Tap the wound dry with REVUL® bandage at the source of bleeding. DO NOT THROW AWAY THE EMPTY BAG!
- Press a bandage or gauze sponge tightly to the wound for 5 minutes. If the bleeding persists, hold for another 5 minutes.
- Apply a pressure bandage to the wound.
- Transport the victim to the nearest first-aid-station as soon as possible.
- Pass the empty bag to healthcare professionals.
- Do not use any remaining bandage.
CAUTION! Hemostatic dressing material REVUL® can remain in the wound for a day. The formed clot does not disintegrate and does not change its properties. After 24 hours, chitosan granules break down into polysaccharides and are naturally eliminated from the body.
Adverse reactions
Hypersensitivity reactions.
Warnings and precautions for use
- Disposable sterile medical device.
- Open the packaging immediately before use; do not reuse.
- Do not use expired product.
- Do not use the product if the primary packaging is damaged.
- For external use only.
Shelf life: 2 years.
Storage conditions
Keep out of reach of children at +5 °C to +30 °C.
Name and address of manufacturer
Yuria-pharm LLC, 10, M. Amosova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03038.
Tel.: +38 (044) 275-92-42, +38 (044) 275-01-08.
Manufacturing site address: 21/13, Chygyrynska Str., Cherkasy, Ukraine, 18030.
Date of last revision of instructions for use: 04.04.2022.
Version: 05.
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