Feedback on Revul hemostatic bandage based on chitosan from the Main Directorate of the National Guard of Ukraine

Below is the feedback we received on the Revul bandage from the Head of the Medical Resources Planning Service of the Military Medical Department of the Main Directorate of the National Guard of Ukraine, lieutenant colonel of the medical service Svitlana Dyachuk.
REVIEW on chitosan-based hemostatic “Revul bandage” from the company “YURIA-PHARM”
From the first minutes of the war, the servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine have been honorably carrying out combat tasks in the face of Russian aggression, courageously defending the Ukrainian state and its citizens from invaders.
The personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine are provided with timely and effective medical assistance for the fastest restoration of combat capability in case of wounds, injuries and illnesses. In most cases, the wounded need an emergency bleeding stop procedure.
In the period from June to September 2022, the medical services of the military units were provided with “Revul bandage, a hemostatic agent based on chitosan” from the company “YURIA-PHARM”.
During the entire period of use of Revul bandage, no patient complaints about tolerability or side effects during use were received. Additional attention was paid to the effectiveness of stopping bleeding and the reaction to chitosan, no complaints were received from military doctors, the effect of the medical device was assessed as highly effective and safe. After the procedures, medical workers surveyed patients to identify unwanted reactions during the procedure, all interviewed patients did not note any complaints.
Based on everything described above and all our experience using the “Revul bandage” chitosan-based hemostatic agent of the “YURIA-PHARM” corporation, we conclude that the medical device can be widely used in the practice of military doctors and military units for emergency stopping of bleeding.
Ask for Revul hemostatic bandages at pharmacies in your city in Ukraine, or on the product’s site in the “WHERE TO BUY” section.